In this video, Coach MANdler takes you through a quick and intense kettlebell core cardio routine that takes just minutes to perform, and helps you burn fat fast while dramatically increasing core strength (via anti-lateral flexion work) and athletic performance...Best of all, you'll NEVER have to do a crunch again!
Check out my ALL NEW kettlebell fat-loss program "MetCon-6" below:
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~The Workout~
a) Single Arm Strict Press (3 sets : 5 reps / side)
b) Waiters Walk (3 sets : 50 ft. / side)
c) Anti-Lateral Flexion Squat (3 sets : 5 reps / side)
d) Anti-Lateral Flexion Rack Carry (3 sets : 50 ft. / side)
e) Suitcase Deadlift (3 sets : 5 reps / side)
f) Single Arm Farmers Walk (3 sets : 50 ft. / side)
kettlebell workout routines pdf Complete Kettlebell Core Routine [No Crunch Needed!] | Chandler Marchman | |
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Sports | Upload TimePublished on 19 Jul 2019 |
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